Touchless Biometric Authentication
30 October, 2020: By Ajoy Maitra

Touchless is one common concern for the generation as people are more terrorized by the outbreak of coronavirus with the near vicinity of potential carriers. As digital technologies transform the world with intelligent innovations and ready-to-use applications on the go, security has become an integral part enabling cloud data security. A commonly used security for our mobile devices applies biometrics technology in detecting the fingerprints, for matching with the owner access. However, such biometrics do not serve as a potential solution in such Global Distortion due to the Covid outbreak.

Concerns are - touching public displays which may be a source of virus spread leading to the health issues. Advent of digital technologies requires more sophistication unveiling margins for advanced technologies enhancing security along with the ease of use & safety, fulfilling the ongoing purpose. Biometrics were never new in the technological world, however, latest modifcations proves its potential usefulness to serve the purpose of security in a more advanced and secured way.


Face Recognition

Facial Recognition

Face recognition is a crucial data serving as a security module wherein details as - skin texture, facial geometry determining - eye positions, jaw structure, lips position, and others serves as a easy secure access authorization. An increasingly used technology has its spread everywhere starting from simple hand held mobile devices to streets and offices providing security access and surveillance.

It uses face detection and measures distances between each parts on a face to simulate a pattern which serves as a future dataset to be verified on access. As per the research reports by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),

While the industry gains are broad, there remains a wide range of capabilities, with some developers providing much more accurate algorithms than others.

Further potential of facial recognition in securing access while addressing to current situation of virus contamination enabling touchless solution, Markets and Markets research reports shows that,

The facial recognition market is expected to grow from USD 3.2 billion in 2019 to USD 7.0 billion in 2024, at a CAGR of 16.6% during the forecast period.

Finger Vein Detection

Finger Vein Detection

As usual, a fingerprint technology has been a long used biometric security common in major industries. However, the need for more advanced modifications has brought forth a new technology developed by the researchers at University of Buffalo that uses 3D images of finger veins as an identity.

Faking a fingerprint can be easily made possible as often shown in movies like - Mission Impossible, however, faking the veins as an identity to access is almost impossible in any normal terms. Such a technique is a unique invention of securing access with an accuracy of 99% as studies showed. The 3D finger vein biometric authentication uses light to identify veins and an ultrasound detector to re-construct a 3D image of the veins.

Voice Authentication

Voice Authentication

Voice Detection has been a common technology that has been often used in our mobile devices providing features as - Google Assistant, Siri. Voice is one of the unique charectaristics of a person holding varied depths and modulations while speaking which can be used as a verification system for secured access. However, many people almost similarises in voice which with the integration of AI, the minute differences of a tone can be detected as showcased in a conference unveiling a TBD product - Adobe Voco.

At a latest news, the US Department of Defense (DoD) intends to shift their security elements of Automated Biometric Identification System to Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud facilities to improve security levels including an addition of voice biometrics.